Backwoods Stockings: Toys Edition

We love the holidays at Backwoods Provisions, so throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas, we'll be sharing special Stocking Stuffer collections of some of our favorite giftable items in our Backwoods Provisions store.
To start things off, we're gearing the gifts towards the kids today with our Toys and Fun Stocking Stuffers kit. Check out all of the stuff we were able to fit into this stocking! Click any links to find the items available in our store, and when you're done be sure to hop on over to Instagram and check out the video of us making this stocking!
- Provision Brand Playing Cards
- Union Playing Cards - Theory11
- Grow a Cowboy - Growing Cowboy Toy
- Grow a Pony - Growing Pony Toy
- Little Box of Marbles
- Gold Fossil Dig Kit
- Die-Cast Miniature Cannon Pencil Sharpener
- Die-Cast Metal - Cowboy Sheriff Badge
- Adventurer's Metal Carabiner
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How We Make Our Shields
That's how things go most times we set up to make some shields. They start looking great, and as the process continues, they only look better and better.
Here are the steps that we take to make our shields - read below, and follow along with the video below:

Backwoods Stockings: Campers Edition
Do you know why there are so many christmas trees in the woods? Because we love Christmas and everything about it here at Backwoods Provisions! You'll always be able to find gifts for the camper in your life, and stocking stuffers are no exception. Check out our favorite stocking stuffers for camping below!

Backwoods Stockings: Spa Day Edition
It's the holiday season, and this weeks stocking is for those of us who can't wait a second longer for the relaxation to start. That's right it's the Spa Day Stocking.
This special stocking is sure to have you feeling and smelling your absolute best, and it might even transport you up to the mountains with the fresh lilac and oak smells.
This special stocking is sure to have you feeling and smelling your absolute best, and it might even transport you up to the mountains with the fresh lilac and oak smells.